Thursday, February 14, 2013


Guardian Angel
BOY, Born August 10, 2005

Don’t mind this pink shirt, Porter is a BOY. He is HIV+, stage 3. He is cognitively delayed as well, and has some paralysis on half of his body.
From his medical records: HIV stage 3, without immunosuppression, delay of psychomotor and speech development, bacillosis
For more info and parent support on adopting and raising a child with HIV, please visit
$5010.30 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


Girl, born 2002
Down syndrome
Maria is a bundle of sweetness and pure energy! She lives her life sort of like a game of bumper kids, not afraid of crawling over, through, or into other children to get where she wants to go. She is otherwise all girl, giggly and sweet, loving to blow kisses or play with dolls.
She is not speaking, but uses some sign language she may have made up to communicate her basic needs, such as thirst or needing to go to the bathroom. She also makes some of the most hilariously adorable facial expressions. She is not able to stand or walk, and she appears to have problems with her hips. She is very flexible, and often sits with one foot above her head. She can get around quite well in a very unique way of holding her feet and scooting along on her bottom, she moves at a very fast pace. She is a sweet girl who does not know about personal boundaries (such as crawling around instead of over the other children) but is nonetheless very loving and would probably do great in a family where she was the youngest.
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Jessa 15

Girl, born Feb 2010
Eyes: Grey
Hair: blond
Character is calm, smiling

New photo of Jessa! Sweet little Jessa has rickets, and a mild umbilical hernia (not uncommon for children with Down syndrome). She also has some heart issues, ventricular septum defect, and an atrial septum defect. She is listed as having a development delay as well, due to her Down syndrome.

$1901.46 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


Nicholas (2) Nicholas (1)Boy, born May 2007
Thalassemia; physical growth delays,
cognitively normal and full of personality
Nicholas lives with a foster family, and attends a nursery school. He enjoys school, and especially loves learning songs. In nursery school he is a popular child; because every day when the grandma sends him the school children all call his name enthusiastically. the teacher says that Nicholas likes to play various games with other children; he likes to learn to sing and dance from the teacher
Nicholas is considerate to the family; once the grandma fell down when cleaning at home, so now every time when Nicholas sees her doing the cleaning he says to the grandma: “please be careful”. Although he needs to get transfusions every month, he does not hate this matter; when it is the time to get transfusion, he can tell the family member that “I should go to get the transfusion, since I have no power, and I can not go up stairs”. He can speak fluently, and he also likes sports. Nicholas likes playing various toys; sometimes he even takes apart the 3-wheel car to play; sometimes he pushes the small chair to run over in the room; he likes to play in the zoo with the grandparents best. When he makes mistakes, the grandparents correct him, he can answer back. Sometimes he can help his grandma to do some housework in his ability, like throw the rubbish, clean the desk and so on.
$10.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


30113194032Girl, born 2003
Diagnoses: Mild mental delays, Hydrocephalus, cleft palate, Anomaly (congenital) (unspecified type) of pupil function
Mara is so serious here, she needs a family to make her smile!

Married couples only, large families welcome. Met this sweet heart in 2012 amazing girl!( "Anya" in a post lower down!)
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


30118202126Boy, born June 2009
hydrocephalus (condition after ventriculoperitoneal shunt); cerebrospinal hernia of lumbar spine, post-surgery; congenital partial atrophy of optic discs; pelvic organs dysfunction; cytomegalovirus infection; anemia; rickets

$22.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30119084859July 2011
hydrocephalus (internal hydrocephalus as a result of suffered meningitis); spastic tetraparesis; prematurity; retinopathy of prematurity; collapse of lungs; prenatal infection;
heart disease: open arterial duct (condition after surgery on August 10, 2011), open oval window, anomalous chord of the left heart ventricle

Look at that white-blond hair! So pretty! Donna desperately needs a mama.

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30118212004January 2010
microcephaly, episyndrome, dystonic tetraparesis, brain degeneration

Kayson needs a family, to save him from a life in a crib.
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30118214804Girl, born March 2009
hydrocephalus (with shunt), spastic tetraparesis, convulsive disorder, Hep.B, valgus feet, optic discs atrophy

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30121153635Boy, born April 2007
 urinary bladder diverticulum. Both-sided ureterohydronephrosis; condition after resection of urinary bladder and ureterocystostomy in both sides. Enuresis. Chronic pyelonephritis in remission phase.

He is a wonderful child: very friendly, heart-opened, easy-going. He is eager to be adopted! He needs a family ASAP!!!
His picture was very recent (January 2013); and these diagnoses are recent for him, too.
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


Juri (3)JuriBoy, born November 2007
Cerebral palsy, flail legs
Juri sits and crawls, but does not walk without support. The boy is very good, sociable and cheerful. He is very positive and bright! Can eat and dress without help. Juri is a favorite in the group, likes to play. He is very friendly and doesn’t create conflicts. Also, he is very cute!
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


ReidBoy, born Dec 2001
Reid is an active child who loves warm atmosphere, has a ready smile and prefers to play outdoors. He is full of expressions, fond of music, being active when playing toys. He is obstinate sometimes, and being closed to caretakers. He would block the sunshine by his hands when too much sun burn; sometimes he could take care to other infants in bed by touch their head or feed them with cake. He has normal intelligence growth, good at imitation, is a smart and lovely child.
Additional pictures available.
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


30127183956Boy, born September 2010
spina bifida (congenital malformation of the central nervous system, spina bifida of lower thoracic spine and upper lumbar spine)
lower paraplegia, pelvic organs dysfunction, hydrocephalus

So hard to see sweet Penn in this one little picture. He desperately needs a family to help him reach his full potential!
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


Cerebral palsy, focal symptomatic epileptic syndrome, complex local convulsions; rough delay of psychological and speech development
Lovely Harlowe!
She needs physical therapy and a loving home.

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGirl, born February 2011
Cerebral palsy, microcephaly, pseudobulbar syndrome, focal symptomatic epilepsy

Mildred is so young — she could really thrive with the love and care of a family!
Large families welcome; travel required.

$90.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


Cerebral palsy dyskinetic (hyperkinetic) type

What a little love! Another one who is so young and will greatly benefit from therapy and a family. Someone scoop him up!

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30125123123Boy, born November 2007
Spastic paraparesis with locomotor system dysfunction as a result of hypoxic-ischemic lesion of the central nervous system; mixed specific disorders, expressive speech disorder; equinovalgus feet; congenital hypotheriosis, convergent squint

Cutie pie – what a grin!
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


AdamBoy, born 2004
HIV, hydrocephalus

Adam is a sweet, easy to please little cuddle bug. He is very much like a cuddly, curious little toddler. When I first met him he did not seem interested in me at all, but as time went by he began to want affection, and would grab my hands if I stopped rubbing his head and put them back on his head.
One day I picked him up and from that moment on he wanted to spend most of my time there in my arms. When I arrived he’d jump up from his little wooden chair, and hurry over to me with his arms raised. If I didn’t pick him up fast enough he’d try to climb up into my arms using nearby chairs or beds, and he would not hesitate to grab items from my hands and set them down to free up my hands so I could hold him. He also began to cry whenever I left. He loves wind up toys and toys that vibrate, and would giggle happily and flap his hands to show how excited he was about them. His other favorite toys were a pony he enjoyed chewing on, any sort of car, and some legos that made a train. He is not verbal but was beginning to make noises to communicate. I tried to teach him to sign more one day, by signing hand over hand with him. When I asked him to sign it he took my hands and helped me sign it. He seems to me to have a need for love and affection that can only come from a loving family. I would love to see him thriving and meeting his full potential, as well as bringing joy to as many people as possible!
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


Richard 83
Richard is about 9 or 10 years old and is hearing impaired.
It was thought at first that he was completely deaf, but his caretakers believe he does have some hearing intact. He will need to be evaluated by a specialist to fully determine what he can and cannot hear.

$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


David 126Boy, born October 2002
This handsome boy was abandoned shortly after his birth. However, his mother returned for him soon afterwards and ended up giving him to an orphanage where he has lived ever since.
David has what may be permanent damage to his optic nerve. An accurate determination of just how much he can actually see cannot be made given the limited diagnostics and expertise available in-country. He has never attended school due to his visual handicap. He is an otherwise healthy little boy.
$5.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


OrionBoy, born January 2001
microcephaly, hydrocephaly, cognitive delays, deficiency anemia, oligotrophy
He is a very funny boy! Previously, the caretakers thought he was a mean boy, but moving to a smaller group helped him, significantly. He has a speech delay; he often says just the first syllable of each word, but in a few days you can understand much of what he is saying. Orion likes to help.
From someone who met him in 2012:
Oh my goodness, what a live wire! He ran to me with that massive, heartwarming smile, and beckoned me to follow him into the classroom that’s part of his small home. He ran so excited to get his books and was so proud of how he is learning to write. Orion is such a clever capable boy and so full of life. He played with us and screamed with laughter and was just so lovely. I cannot even say how wonderful he would be in a real home…he would be an amazing son. You simply cannot help but love mischevious, wonderful, funny, amazing Orion!
$7.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


Girl, born February 2012

Oh my stars, what a little doll! Her hair seems to have a reddish tint to it. Those chubby little arms are irresistible – they need a mama to hug!
Libby has Down syndrome, but is otherwise healthy. She may have an umbilical hernia … or it may be just an adorable “outie”.

Libby had a committed family, but paperwork issues caused delays — her paperwork is now ready, and she is available.
$16.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


30201201748 AramintaGirl, born 2001
CP spastic paraplegia with malfunction of lower limbs, convergent squint, myopic astigmatism of both eyes, S-type scoliosis of thoracic spine, flexion-adduction contracture of both hip joints, equinovarus feet, dysarthria.

Such a lovely young lady, such poise.
$20.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.


Harry and Will (twins)

30201191806 (5)30201191806 (7)Twins, born Oct 2010
The boys had prenatal exposure to HIV; but they are testing negative. They have some features of FAS, but this has not been diagnosed, but a cautionary disclosure.
Such cute boys! They’ll liven up a household for sure!

The boys have an older sister (born in 1998) who has no special needs. She is available for adoption, but they may be separated.
Large families welcome; married couples only.30201191806 (6)
$30.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


LexiGirl, born Oct 2010
congenital and bilateral deformity, atresia auris externa (she does not have developed ears); congenital cleft palate; chromosomal disorder (possibly Treacher Collins syndrome)
Lexi enjoys being in noisy environments and watching older children chasing and playing together. Since she has hearing impairment, she is not able to talk as other children and she always sensed the laughter of other children via eyes. Her happy smile along with the children’s happy playing in the room together make the room as warm as the weather in spring. At 14 months old, the teacher took her to the playroom for fun in the morning everyday. She always happily dashed to the teacher via a baby walker with a smile when seeing her. She liked listening to music and nursery rhymes. She could hum while nodding head along with rhymes. She liked being like a spoiled child and crawling close to the teacher to snuggle with her with a smile. At 15 months old, she has a good friend. They often look at teach other cross the bed and smile, hold hand in hand, play the same toy together. When a caregiver takes her to the playroom, she knows where is it. She often eagerly dashes to the playroom when coming out from the baby room via walking and crawling.
The update isn’t recent, but she seemed to be developing fairly well, regardless of all her challenges. Just imagine how far Lexi could go in a family!
$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!



30206231713Boy, born February 2012
Congenital hydrocephalus, spastic tetraplegia, epileptic syndrome, open oval window

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.

Fiona #40-5 OD


319_Ph9_Aug12DOB: 2007
Diagnosis: spina bifida
Arnold-Chiari syndrome – type 2; meningomyelocele in the lumbar region after excision and plasty of the vertebral canal; hydrocephalus; lower paraplegia; delayed physical development; delayed neuropsychological development; mental delay.
She knows her name; understands and follows simple instructions; pronounces sound combinations and several meaningful words. She is emotional and sociable child. Her non-verbal expressive skills are well-developed- she maintains continuous eye contact, smiles and laughs when jested or praised; she is receptive towards educational influences. She seeks adults’ attention and enjoys interacting with adults. This girl will continue developing positively if placed in a family environment.
According to the experts she has potential for further development.
Because we only have this child’s file for a short time, she will not be able to receive donations until a family is found for her.

Trent #206 OD


Trent has a moderate mental delay
He improved motor activity, walks independently and he can grab and hold objects. Trent has learned to eat with a spoon independently. He is attached to the people from the permanent team in the orphanage and reacts positively towards adults. Pronounces vowels – predominantly “a” and “e’’; he is interested in his surroundings when he is taken outside. He feels happy when he goes for a walk with an adult. The experts from the orphanage hope that the child will continue to be influenced positively by the sessions with a speech therapist, a psychologist and a pedagogue, will continue to progress and acquire new skills.
Because we only have this child’s file for a short time, he will not be able to receive donations until a family is found for him.

Riley #6-15

PENTAX ImageDOB: 2009
Diagnosis: Down syndrome

Detailed information on Riley’s development is coming soon. We do have several photos and a video of her. She is in a location in her country that allows for very easy travel and shortened in country stays.

$10.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.



Girl, born January 2011
Down syndrome, Atrial septal defect, Umbilical hernia

Oh, sweet chubby baby! She needs a mama to scoop her up and love her.

Shelley was previously listed and had a committed family, but there were paperwork delays. She will be available early summer 2013.

Large families welcome, travel required. Fast region — this region often waives the 10 day wait.
$67.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!



30209132708 DaneBoy, born November 2012
Down syndrome

Ohhh, sweet boy! Look at those cheeks! That wispy shock of hair! What a little doll he is.
Large families welcome, travel required. Married couples only.

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.

Solomon # OD


SolomonThis delightful 3-year-old golden-haired boy has muscle hypotonia on the lower limbs, his psycho motor development is delayed and he has congenital anomalies which affect the facial area.
Solomon is very cute! He attends all organized games and activities, as well as the additional individual pedagogical sessions. He finds it difficult to cope with some tasks during the games. He can manipulate toys, but cannot understand their social importance, yet. He works on developing his habits and skills. He eats with assistance. The child is sociable with both peers and adults. He can hold his ground when there is an argument over a toy.
Because we only have this child’s file for a short time, he will not be able to receive donations until a family is found for him.

Monday, February 11, 2013

They Need Help!

in 2012 My Mother, Father And I went to Ukraine to Adopt my brother Sasha and while we were there we met all the kids in his class Liza,Vova, Anya, Angelina , Samantha, Arthur , Sasha  . We spent allot of time with these kids, We got to know each of them very well. These kids need family's, They need you!.
Arthur such a sweet boy CP very Smart
boy always smiley :)
Sasha   sweet,smart funny boy happy and silly would do great in a family :)
Anya sweet smart girl a tom boy in a group, very careful and sweet when she was alone with us .
such a sweet girl would do great in a family.
such a sweet smart girl going home to one of our close friends :)
Angelina sweet girl in need of a family loves to be held
but plays by herself with her Dukey :)
Samatha sweet loving girl in need of a family
(is on RR)