Sunday, August 14, 2011

Preston . and the Preston family

Preston (17)

BOY, Born July 5, 2006
 More medical info coming, please check back soon.
Preston will be institutionalized and remain bedridden for life…he needs a family quickly!

$307.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.

NATHANIEL for the Preston family — East Hardwick, VT

Matt and Tammy Preston have been happily married for 2 years. Together they have three daughters, Justine 19 years old, Carrie 16 years old, and Mia 7 years old. Matt is an independent paint contractor and Tammy is a registered nurse. They also breed Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes. Matt is also an ordained pastor. They both have a strong desire to do what is right in the sight of the Lord. They have both discussed adoption and/or having a son of their own. Matt and Tammy saw Nathaniel on facebook and literally just fell in love with him. It did not take them more than 60 seconds to say that they wanted to bring him home to live with them.  Their daughters are excited about having a baby brother.  Matt and Tammy feel that God placed Nathaniel on facebook for them. They were not actively looking for a child  but one look at Nathaniel's smile wooed them. They have been in prayer for Nathaniel ever since laying eyes on him. It is like he is already apart of their family.  
Follow the Preston family’s adoption journey on their blog at   

$2525.60 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.
Thins you can do on Reeces  Rainbow .

posted in: Almost There

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Taiya and Benji to of the baby`s we adopted

    Talya is doing just great she was so skinny and just not doing well in the orphanage and three weeks later  she is just awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!! and Benji is adjusting so well to he is so smart and just so cute so if you adopt and take good care of the child you adopt it will go just as well   :)

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    A poem for the orphans

    The orphans need  you  yes it`s true.  The orphans need help you can here their sweet little  yelp . It is so sad  the care givers give them care that is bad. :( :( . Why oh why do thaiy not care when thaiy  cry ???. It is  so bad it make`s me so sad.   The way you can help it is not very hard it is as easy as writing the letter`s A B & C.  All you need to do is go to Reece`s  and donate to their grant fund. So go to Reece`s and donate in peace`s. Reece`s Rainbow that is so that`s. What you do yes this is true that`s what you do.

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    sweet little Wendy is need of a family

    Wendy  (6)
    Girl, Born June 25, 2006
    Wendy is a beautiful girl with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.    She was born quite premature  (not sure which gestational week, but it is listed as “4th stage”).  She has CP and is completely blind, with congenital cataracts in both eyes, optic sub-atrophy, and microcephaly.
    Despite all of these odds stacked against her, she is an orphanage favorite and is well loved.  She will really blossom in a loving family, and learning to use her other senses will open up the world around her.    Wendy is already 3 1/2 now, and is facing the institution soon.  She needs a family right away!
    There is $55 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!

    Donations are tax deductible.

     Here is a new pic

    Donations are tax deductible.

    posted in: Other Angel Girls, 0 - 5  here`s a new pic

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    Why the orphan`s need you.

    Why the orphan`s  need  you  orphan`s need you because  they are  all alone and sad and probably not taken care of verry well . And if you and God know`s you can adopt   you`ll know to. Not every one can abopt but every one can donate to ther grant fund to help them whith ther adoption and to help them get adopted . But don`t think about the money think about the menny childeren you are helping and every time you do God smile`s on you :) . So remember that next time you see a sweet orphan who  need`s you . So that`s why the orphan`s need you .

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    sweet sweet Maxim is in need of a family

    18oya -14 Date of Birth: June 2004
    Gender: Male
    Eyes: Gray
    Hair: light brown
    Nature: Quiet …look at those beautiful eyes!

    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    I want to help the sweet little orphan`s

    i want to help the sweet little orphan`s so bad. It`s horrible that all of thees little baby`s  and children have no family just care takers.What make`s me feel so bad is because not all the care takers care about the kids. Their just their for the money and don't  care at all. Now don`t think their all like this some care some care allot  it depends on the person if they care or not. Here`s some of the little orphan`s who need you .                              this is Preston .

       this is Lorie                               and this is my sweet sweet Preston
    this is lisa .

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Preston needs you !

    I know that if you read  my blog you know who Preston is .If you are a new reader of my blog you would not. Preston is a little boy in orphanage number 17 in EE. My family and I are adopting a little girl named  Anna she is in orphanage number 2 in Eastern Europe. Orphanage number 2 and orphanage number 17 are in the same city. So i`m hoping that if I can get the right amount of money I can go to and if  I can goI can get to meet  Preston for the very  first time. And get some new pics of him to use on my blog. I hope.  If  not I will not be able  to post new pics.  I know the picture I have right now isnt very good.
    Please contact reece`s for more information of Preston. He is alone. And he shouldnt be :( He needs a family to love him. Are you his family ??