Thursday, December 23, 2010

sweet sweet Zara is in need of a family

Girl, Born March 14, 2009
From her medical records:  Down Syndrome, patent foramen ovale, ventricular septum defect, thymomegalia, rachitis
I have $1080  in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!
Zara`s grant fund was 0 now thank`s to you it`s now 1080 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

sweet sweet little preston needs a family

BOY, Born July 5, 2006
 More medical info coming, please check back soon.
Preston will be institutionalized and remain bedridden for life…he needs a family quickly!
I have $18 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!

sweet preston is in need of a family

Date of Birth: October 2005
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: light brown
Character: smart, active, social

Preston is an orphanage favorite!    He is  5 now and needs a family of his own.  He does have a  heart conditio, but he is active and doing well despite this.  His adenoids and tonsils are enlarged (very common) and should probably be removed. 
I have $67.5 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sweet little Lorie and Lisa are in need of a family !!

this is Lorie she is a six year old girl and will be going to the institution verry soon she needs a family fast please help her .
                  this is Lisa she is a three year old girl she is so sweet and so cute and needs a family please help her  !!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

this is Bobby and he needs help please help me help him !!!

    sweet little Bobby  needs a family  please help me help him he has                                                                      been  transferred to the institution i`m sad but you still can adopt him to see more on him  click here to go Reece's rainbow . org   

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

babies i love !!!!

 Preston  love him :) but he needs a home please and fast !!!
little sis Taiya love her :) she has down syndrome 4 years and so sweet .
 sweet little Anna is  soon to be coming home with us  cant wait  love her she is 3 and  has down syndrome and is so sweet :)

this is sweet sweet little Anna wen she was two :)

this Anna who we are adopting. this is her when she was only two. she`s  so cute .  i cant Wait two go get her but that's in like a year .  but still I'm so happy !!

Monday, December 13, 2010

sweet sweet little Anna is coming home with us !!!!

this is Anna  and   she has down syndrome  she is three years old  and so so sweet and cute and coming home with us  :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sweet little Igor is in need of a family !!!

this is Igor and he needs a family  He is in region 2. He is almost 4...which means his time in running out. Is he your son ?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

sweet little Nellie needs a family !!!!!!

this is Nellie  she is 4 years old and born December 9 of 2006  she has down syndrome like most orphend childeren   but she just needs a home we adopted 2 little kids whith down syndrom  and to us theiy don`t  have it  Taiya shes 4  but to us  shes a 2 year old who loves to  play and have fun and Benji is 6 and loves books and playing and im soure she  will be the same :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sweet little Felix needs a family !!!!!!

   this is Felix he is a sweet little boy and he just terned 7 yeas old  he was born October 20 2003 he  doesn't know many words of his own  but he is good at understanding wen he  here's  them  and he loves to play :)         for more info on him  click here Reece's rainbow . org