Wednesday, November 24, 2010

sweet little Mishelle needs a family !!!!!!!!!

this is Michelle and she needs a family  this sweet little girl is mostly blind  and more info of her health a Reece's rainbow .org shes in other angel girls 0-5 .    but shes just so sweet and would be so much more happy and sweet if she had a family !!!  so please help me help her !!!! .

this is my family :)

this is me and my 5 siblings Tatiana isabella Michael Taiya and Benji  Taiya and benji are  from ukrane and have down syndrome  and we all just love them !!!! Tatiana is from ethiopia and isabella from guatemala  and me and Michael  are my moms biological children. my mom is Maria from love you more than cookies .com  the blog .                                  

sweet little Wendy needs a family !!!!!!

         this is Wendy she is a girl just full of  joy and she has down syndrome    but she just needs a family    i will do what i can if you will do the same so please she needs it !!!!!

sweet little leila needs a home !!!!!!

leila is a sweet little
girl  and she needs a family  so please help she needs it !!!        for more info on her go to  Reece's rainbow . org                      

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sweet little maksim needs a home !!!!!!

maksim needs a family .  date of birth June 2004 6 years old  he needs a family fast !!!!. so please help .   

Monday, November 22, 2010

Preston needs a home :(

Sweet  little Preston really needs a home and fast if not he will be institutionalized  and remain bed ridden for life. !!! He needs a family.   Please can you help? Can you donate a little bit to his grant fund? Even $5 will help. Can you pray for him please? So many poor children were institutionalized and had sad sad lives it`s awful don't let him have the same .  !!!!    

Preston click here Reeces Rainbow and go to other angels to find him on Reeces Rainbow.

Helping one child at a time (:

Gbug (: